The 3rd Meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) of LIFE Natura Themis took place in Chania, on December 5-6, 2016. During the 1st day of the meeting, the first results of the primary research (Action A1) and the baseline survey (Action C1) that were implemented in the framework of the LIFE Natura Themis project, were presented to the journalists who attended the 1st Press Conference of the project.
Both surveys that were presented in this 2-day meeting, conducted for the first time in Greece. The data that have been already collected and those that are expected to be collected by the end of the project (September 2020), would be an important tool for the management (in local, regional and national level) of environmental issues and the implementation of the appropriate policies to protect the environment and improve the quality of life of citizens.
The conclusions that have so far gathered are extremely useful for designing regional strategies related to the Environmental Crime, to public awareness campaigns, as well as for academic research.
At the same time, both at the Press Conference and at the PSC Meeting were presented among others two of the most important actions of the project: a) the organization and operation of the two Environmental Law Observatories (in Eastern and Western Crete, respectively), and the development of an application for smart devices.
The two Observatories, operating under the supervision of the Bar Associations of Heraklion and Chania, respectively, are responsible for recording illegal human activity in the 53 Natura 2000 areas of Crete. For the area of West Crete (Chania and Rethymno Regional Unities, respectively), the Environmental Law Observatory operates in Chania, 43, Iroon Polytechniou str., GR-73132 (tel. +30 28210 41179) and for the area of East Crete (Heraklion and Lassithi Regional Unities, respectively) operates in Heraklion, 51, Dikaiosinis str., GR-71201 (tel. +30 2814 007442).
The development of the application for smart devices is implemented by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN). With this application the users will be able to report an environmental violation with a short text, photos and geospatial data. The application will be ready for use by the public during mid March 2017.
During the period March – April 2017, the Coordination Office for the Implementation of Environmental Liability (COIEL) will organize the 1st Training Seminar for judges and prosecutors in Athens, while the Coordinating Beneficiary (UoC – NHMC) will organize a Training Seminar for the members of the local environmental NGOs of Crete in Heraklion.