The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN) is the oldest national environmental NGO in Greece, founded in 1951, and strives continuously for the protection of Greek nature since. It is active along four axes: environmental intervention; nature conservation; environmental education; sustainable management and general public awareness raising.
The HSPN is constantly involved, alone or in cooperation with other national NGOs, in countering the serious threats to the natural environment of Greece, such as the infamous water-diversion project of the Acheloos River and the illegal use of poisoned baits, and has participated in important actions, resulting in formal complaints to the European Commission or legal action at the Greek Council of State. It has also implemented, alone or in partnership with other NGOs, a variety of conservation projects.
The HSPN represents in Greece the international Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and is the national operator of its famous international eco-labels “Blue Flag” for beaches and marinas and “Green Key” for tourism facilities. Since 1995 the HSPN coordinates five Environmental Education Networks, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, in some 1,600 schools all over Greece; three are international (Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests) and two are national (Garbage-free Nature, Green Neighbourhoods).
The HSPN has regularly published, since 1975, the quarterly periodical “I FYSI” (Nature) featuring articles on a variety of nature and wildlife subjects, as well as books and other information material. Over the years it has also organised many local and national conferences, seminars and workshops on environmental subjects and current issues.
It has established the “Byron Antipas” prize, which is awarded to an individual or organisation that has decisively contributed to the protection of Greek nature; among its recipients are the renowned environmentalist Luc Hoffmann (2005), and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (2011).
It is a member of major international conservation organisations, such as the IUCN, and has been honoured for its work, it by the Academy of Athens, the Council of Europe and the Ford Foundation.
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